Do not disturb tenant. Enjoy all that Mountain View, Los Altos, Stanford and Palo Alto have to offer. Conveniently located almost in North Los Altos just beside multimillion dollar houses in Los Altos. Near google, Facebook and Apple Take advantage of great schools like Benjamin Bubb, Bullis Charter school ( Lottery) , Isacc Newton, Blach junior and Los Altos High. Play tennis in 5+ nearby tennis courts in LAH. It is freshly painted, features brand new carpet, a new washing machine, and dishwasher. You can enjoy to live in, or continue to rent $5,400 , or build your brand new dream home when you are ready to do so. As permit for a 3000 + sq, for a new modern single family home + attached ADU would be available soon. For additional renderings , and design floor plans contact Fara