Own a piece of the California West Sagebrush Annie's Winery is for Sale Sagebrush Annie's is more than a glass of wine; it's an experience. Own your own 800 SF Tasting Room, 4200 Banquet Hall, 3000 Seat Rodeo, 1800 SF Bunkhouse, a mobile Home, and a potential vineyard on 11.77 acres. A true journey resulting from a leisurely day's drive exploring the beautiful countryside, away from the crowded city's traffic and smog. Located west of where the Southern San Joaquin Valley merges with Southern California, this beautiful and quiet destination delivers all you would ever expect for a weekend of superb wine tasting. The winery is located in the southeastern corner of the Cuyama Valley, giving beautiful nightly views of the incredible Cuyama sunsets to the west as the sun dips below the Sierra Madre mountains.